Track your refund Status Online

May 17th, 2022

Once your tax return has been filed, the next question likely on your mind is, “When will I receive my refund?”. The most convenient way to check on your tax refund is by using the Where's My Refund? Tool on You can begin checking on your refund status within 24 hours after the IRS acknowledges receipt of your e-filed return. (If you’ve returned your signature authorization form to us and we haven’t contacted you, the IRS has accepted your e-filed return). The tool also provides a personalized refund date after the return is processed and a refund is approved.

To Use The Tool, You Will Need:

  • Your Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number

  • Tax filing status (Single, Married, Married Filing as Single, etc)

  • The exact amount of the refund claimed on your tax return (This information can be found on Federal Filing Instructions, typically page 3, of the “DOWNLOAD & SAVE – Client Copy” of your return that was provided to you via the portal.)

The Tool Shows Progress in Three Phases:

  1. Return received

  2. Refund approved

  3. Refund sent

When the status changes to approved, this means the IRS is preparing to send the refund as a direct deposit to your bank account or directly to you in the mail, by check, to the address used on your tax return.

The IRS updates the Where's My Refund? tool once a day, usually overnight, so no need to check the status more often.

Keep in mind, even once the status shows “Refund Sent” you should allow time for your bank to post the refund to your account or for it to be delivered by mail. Calling the IRS won't speed up a tax refund. The information available on Where's My Refund? is the same information available to IRS telephone assistors.

You can find more helpful information on the IRS “Where’s My Refund” FAQ Page.


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